Math exam 1402

Every year, Sanjesh organization conducts entrance exam for 5 groups of candidates in mathematics, experimental, humanities, art and language fields. Participation in this big exam depends on having certain conditions and preparing certain documents; By reading this article, candidates for the mathematics entrance exam will get to know all the details related to the entrance examination of the mathematics field.

Registration conditions in the national math exam

Registering in the national math entrance exam requires certain conditions and preparation of documents. The conditions for registration in this important exam are:

Belief in Islam or one of the official religions specified in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Lack of obstinacy (no objection to the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran). If the candidate has already disagreed with the system of the Islamic Republic, his change of mind should be confirmed. Not having a history of membership in illegal organizations, Freemasonry and their descendants

Failure to verify moral corruption

No drug addiction

Registration guide for the mathematics entrance exam

After reading the registration booklet, the candidate must prepare the necessary documents to register for the national math exam and enter his information based on that. In short, to register for the math exam, you must complete the following 6 steps:

Login to the national entrance exam registration site (org)

Download the national entrance exam registration booklet

Studying the conditions and rules in the national entrance exam registration book

Preparation of necessary documents and information for entrance exam registration

Paying the fees related to national entrance exam registration

Complete the registration form

Math exam registration time

Usually, the registration for the math entrance exam or other fields starts in the middle of February. Sanseh Organization informs everyone about the beginning of the registration period for participation in the entrance exam through the media. You have about a week to complete your registration. Of course, the evaluation organization extends the registration deadline for candidates who failed the exam.

Entrance registration booklet

After the integration of the national entrance exam and Azad University, a comprehensive booklet containing all the necessary instructions for the entrance exam registration will be provided to the candidates. In this booklet, all the necessary information for the registration of applicants of the new or old system is mentioned in detail. It is better to read this booklet carefully before entering the site.Necessary documents to register for the math exam

The documents required for the registration of candidates for the entrance examination are:

1- Scanned photo file: Prepare one of your 4 x 3 photos as a scan to register for the entrance exam. This photo should be uploaded on the site with a size of 150 x 200 pixels and as a jpeg or jpg file. Remember that the photo must not have stamps or staples.

2- Candidate's personal information: information such as name, national code, birth certificate number, field of study, academic record code, student code, etc. are required for registration in the national math exam. Male volunteers must also have a service code. If you have any questions about how to get the duty system code, reading the following article can be useful for you:


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