7th math training course

You must have heard that mathematics is the mother of lessons and the joy of learning seventh grade mathematics is to solve the problems and questions of this lesson and learn its concepts. If the students in this grade focus fully on the 7th math course, they will have a stronger foundation in the following years. However, in order to learn well, you need to have passed the sixth grade math course in the previous year.

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Chapters of the 7th math course

Considering the changes that we have witnessed in recent years in the process of teaching seventh grade mathematics and the topics of this lesson, one of the main challenges of students and parents at this stage is to find a suitable way to learn seventh grade mathematics. The textbook in this level includes activities, class work, book exercises and sample exam questions. Below, we examine the educational topics of the 7th math together:

Chapter 1: Problem solving strategies

In this chapter, you will learn about problem solving and its different methods, which will help you not face problems in other chapters.

Lesson 1: problem solving strategies

Second lesson: problem solving strategies - solving supplementary examples

Chapter Two: Integers

In this lesson, integers are examined, which are a set of natural numbers, their ratios, the number zero, and in other words, every signed and unsigned number.

Third lesson: integers

Fourth lesson: integers - solving additional examples

Geometry is actually the relationship between angles, the relationship between line segments, drawing a triangle, equality of two triangles and right triangles.

Seventh lesson: geometry and reasoning

Lesson 8: Geometry and reasoning - solving additional examples

Chapter 5: counters and prime numbers

Natural numbers are positive numbers and their set starts from 1. Zero has no place in the set of natural numbers and it changes if the name of the set is added to the set of arithmetic numbers. Natural numbers or positive integers are used for counting and are called ordinal numbers. But the words used for order like (third alley from the right) are called cardinal numbers.Lesson 9: counters and prime numbers

Lesson 10: counters and prime numbers - solving supplementary examples

Chapter Six: Surface and Volume

Introduction of geometric volumes, volume of geometric shapes, lateral area, surface and volume of different geometric shapes are examined in this topic.

Lesson 11: Surface and volume

Chapter Seven: Exponents and Roots

The topics that are examined in the subject of powers and roots are the following:

Introducing exponents, calculating exponents, simplifying exponents, the concept of roots and roots.

Lesson 12: Exponents and Roots

Chapter 8: Vector and coordinates

Vector and coordinates are very important in physics lessons and in higher grades. Therefore, learning this topic in 7th math can help your progress a lot. Directional line segment, definition of vector, application of vector in force and motion, coordinates, vector and motion of a point on a plane, sum of two vectors are the concepts that are studied in this lesson. Lesson 13: Vector and coordinates

Chapter 9: Statistics and Probability

In this important topic in the coming years, you will deal with it in an advanced way, the following topics will be taught:

Data classification, the concept of sample and community, the average of data in the category mode, the concept of probability and event, the number of possible states, mathematical probability.

Lesson 14: Statistics and Probability

Chapter 10: rational numbers

Multiplication and division, addition and subtraction, rational and dumb numbers, comparison of rational and dumb numbers are the main topics of this lesson.

Chapter 11: Geometric transformations

Parallel and diagonal lines, symmetry and congruence, perpendicular and bisector, and the concept of similarity are examined in this topic.

Who is recommended to watch the 7th math education videos?

Students looking for significant improvement in their grades and final exam results.

Students who have a weak level and need simple and fluent expression to learn 7th math.

Parents who have invested in their child's talents and skills and want to bring them to a good place.

Students who need a professional teacher.

Important points in seventh grade math education

Do not postpone the study of seventh grade mathematics to exam days.

Take class attendance seriously. Study well during the semester so that the topics are not piled up on the exam night.

In your lesson planning, consider times as compensation so that you can reanalyze the topics you missed or have problems with.


The 7th math training course includes full teaching of the book and presentation of booklets and sample exam questions. In this course, you can use private classes, online classes, and educational videos depending on your academic level and the need you see in yourself to learn.

Frequently asked

questions about the 7th math training course

How many lessons does seventh math include?

The topics of this lesson in the seventh grade are fully explained in this article.

Can make-up times help improve my grades?

Yes, during compensatory times you can check and fix your weaknesses. Why and to what extent is it important to learn seventh grade math?

Learning seventh grade math is important because its topics in the following years will definitely have an impact on your progress and learning


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