Exam planning tips
As you know, entrance exam is a crucial test for our children, if they want to succeed in this exam, they will definitely need a basic and correct entrance exam planning! Stay with us to know the most important points of entrance exam planning : As you know, if you want to succeed in the entrance examination, you must always study the specialized courses of 3 years of high school carefully and try to get a high average in the final exams! Because 40% of the impact of your entrance exam belongs to your high school final exam average. Therefore, in addition to studying your specialized courses, you should increase your strength in general courses! So that you can get the highest average. Now, in order to be able to reach all your courses and read and test your specialized courses well, you must design and implement the entrance exam planning for yourself. Now, what features should this entrance exam planning have? Exam planning You can't go the way of several months ove...